Thursday, August 31, 2006


What I'm Listening to: Happiness is a Warm Gun/Sexy Sadie
What I'...... sorry! instinct...
Mood: good for the first time in maybe 3 weeks

Tonight's post will be brief, but nonetheless it may be the most personal and introspective post yet, which I'm sure will doom it to never be read again. Actually, I'm sure I'll think of something slightly funny halfway through and ruin it all. Oh well

Today has been odd. Not only have I felt importance for maybe the first time ever (actually thinking that the impact i have on people is worth anything bad that happens to me), but I also feel as though I have a thorough understanding of what I want in life. It's rather comforting to be honest. On that solemn note, poo

Acting Styles is maybe the greatest course ever. Hands down. Cept for certain people in that class.... maybe you O_O
probably not, though. don't worry

This will be my last post for a while. I'll be gone until Monday, so if anyone actually reads this while I'm gone, you pass the "awesomest friend ever" test. Or you're my dad scouring my computer. Tsk tsk tsk... naughty padre... why do I let you live in my house?

3 new songs I'm listening to: the aforementioned White Album tracks and Ride the Lightning. Check 'em out if you dig good music


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry son. i didn't mean to invade your personal blog. i'll be moved out by next week. i'll miss you.

the rad dad