Friday, December 08, 2006

How can one follow up the greatest picture ever?

Quite simply, actually, you can't. Therefore I shall make a normal blog post and hope people forget the one time this blog rose to something AWESOME and think it's funny again. How can I be funny, you might ask. The answer is simple: use other people's mistakes:

Didn't T.S. Elliot win the Nobel Prize for literacy?

UltraPhish: steam requires "64mb RAM"
virtuosonot42: no wonder you cant run it
UltraPhish: baby jesus save anyone with 64mb of RAM or less

UltraPhish: woot your blog now has aslightly more posts tagged with "Phish" than "Penis"
I shall soon fix this, don't you worry...

this is a work in progress but ive really gotta put SOMETHING new up

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

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